Adspy Vs. Anstrex
Hey Emily, have you tried Adspy or Anstrex?
Mark, an Online Marketing Enthusiast, asks!
Yes, Mark. Adspy is fantastic for social media ads,
but Anstrex offers incredible insights for native ads.
I'm torn between the two for my next campaign.
Emily replies…

Under Ad Intelligence Tools, there are two very popular options: AdSpy and Anstrex. Today, we will contrast AdSpy with Anstrex in a review detailing these platforms, which help marketers and advertisers get information on what their rivals are doing.

AdSpy has a huge database of social media ads, along with advanced search options and filters to give users valuable ad data. This includes features such as the ability to search by comment and demographic targeting information.

At the same time, Anstrex has adopted a multi-format approach; it covers everything from push notifications and native ads to pop ads and even dropshipping tools.

While AdSpy deals basically with social media ads, Anstrex offers a wider selection of ad formats and some other complementary tools for e-commerce.

Let's take a better look into what AdSpy and Anstrex have to offer!

AdSpy Vs Anstrex Comparative Analysis 2024

Ad Types Covered• Social Media Ads (Facebook, Instagram)• Native ads
• Push notifications
• Pop ads
• Social media ads
Database Size100+ million ads30+ million ads
Supported Networks• Facebook
• Instagram
• Taboola
• Outbrain
• RevContent
• Yahoo Gemini
• Facebook
• Instagram
Search Filters• Advertiser
• Text
• Domain
• Landing page
• Date range
• Country
• Language
• Advertiser
• Text
• Domain
• Landing page
• Date range
• Country
• Language
• Ad network
Unique Features• Comment Search
• Demographic targeting info
• Ad engagement metrics
• Dropshipping tools
• Affiliate offer search
• Landing page builder
Pricing (Monthly)Starts at $149Starts at $59.99
Free Trial7-day money-back guarantee7-day free trial
API AccessAvailableAvailable
Mobile AppNoYes (Android)
Update FrequencyReal-timeDaily
User InterfaceClean and intuitiveModern and user-friendly
Customer SupportEmail supportEmail and live chat support
Ideal For• Social media marketers
• E-commerce businesses
• Affiliate marketers
• Native ad specialists
• Push notification marketers
• Dropshippers
• Affiliate marketers
DiscountAFFTWEAKS for $75 OffBloggingEclipse_com for 35% Off

1. Ad Database And Coverage

When it comes to ad database and coverage, AdSpy and Anstrex both offer extensive resources, but they cater to slightly different needs. While AdSpy offers unparalleled depth in social media ad coverage, Anstrex provides a broader range of ad formats and additional tools for e-commerce and dropshipping. 

Total Ads162 million+13 million+
Ad FormatsFacebook, InstagramNative, Push, Pop-under
Countries Covered22380+
Unique StrengthSocial media engagement metricsDiverse ad format coverage

AdSpy‘s Ad Database and Coverage

AdSpy boasts the largest searchable database of Facebook and Instagram ads, with over 162 million ads in 88 languages across 223 countries. This extensive coverage allows users to track global advertising trends and uncover successful ad strategies from around the world.

Adspy is particularly useful for brands looking to:

  • Analyze social media trends.
  • Study user engagement patterns.
  • Uncover successful ad strategies across global markets.
AdSpy logo

Highest Discount on Adspy


Get $50 off per month for the first three months on AdSpy. Use the coupon code for a total savings of $150. Additionally, get 1000+ free ad views with just a signup.

$150 Off


Anstrex's Ad Database and Coverage

On the other hand, Anstrex excels in its coverage of multiple ad formats, including native, push, and pop-under ads. This diverse range of ad formats makes Anstrex a versatile tool for advertisers looking to explore various advertising channels.

Anstrex shines in its versatility, catering to advertisers exploring:

  • Native advertising
  • Push notifications
  • Pop-under ads

Additionally, Anstrex offers a unique dropshipping tool that provides insights into popular products and competitor strategies, making it an excellent choice for e-commerce businesses.

Anstrex Logo

35% OFF Anstrex Coupon Code


Use the coupon code BloggingEclipse_com and get upto 35% Off on Anstrex Plans and bundle plans.

2. Search And Filtering Capabilities

Search and filtering capabilities are essential features for any ad intelligence tool, enabling users to navigate large databases efficiently. Both AdSpy and Anstrex offer excellent search functionalities, though their approaches differ.

Boolean Search
Comment Search
Saved Searches
Performance Metrics

AdSpy's Search and Filtering Capabilities

AdSpy's search and filtering capabilities are designed to meet the needs of marketers seeking detailed and specific ad insights. The platform allows users to conduct complex searches using Boolean operators, multiple field filters, and keyword-based searches.

  • Comment Search: Unique ability to search through ad comments.
  • Affiliate Network Search: Find ads by specific networks or offers.
  • Landing Page Technology Filter: Identify ads using particular tech stacks.

This precision in search functionality helps users pinpoint exactly what they are looking for, making it easier to analyze specific ads, track competitor activities, and identify emerging trends in social media advertising.

Anstrex's Search and Filtering Capabilities

Anstrex shines with its multi-format coverage (Native, Push, Pop), advanced query expansion, and saved search functionality, making it ideal for cross-platform ad research.

Anstrex Advanced Searches

Standout Capabilities

  • Query Expansion: Includes stemming, synonyms, and phonetic searches.
  • Custom Date Range: Filter ads by specific periods.
  • Performance Metrics Filtering: Sort by ad strength, gravity, and more.

The saved search functionality is particularly useful for marketers who regularly monitor specific ad campaigns or trends.

3. Ad Insights And Analytics

In the world of digital advertising, data is king. Both AdSpy and Anstrex provide powerful tools for analyzing ad performance, though they cater to different aspects of the advertising spectrum.

Social Media Focus
Multi-Format Analytics
Engagement Metrics
Landing Page Insights
Competitor Benchmarking

Ad Insights on AdSpy

AdSpy's ad insights and analytics are geared toward social media advertisers. It provides detailed engagement metrics, such as likes, shares, and comments, allowing users to identify top-performing ads and understand audience preferences.

Analysis and Ad Insights available on AdSpy

  • Comment Analysis: Unique sentiment tracking in ad comments.
  • Engagement Rate Calculation: Helps identify high-performing ads.
  • Demographic Insights: Detailed breakdown of target audience.

AdSpy also offers targeting insights, revealing the demographics and interests of the audiences reached by specific ads.

Analytics and Ad Insights Covered on Anstrex

Anstrex's ad insights and analytics cover a broader range of platforms and metrics. It provides data on ad performance, traffic sources, geo-targeting, and device targeting.

Analytics and Ad Insights Covered on Anstrex

Standout Capabilities:

  • Ad Strength Indicator: Proprietary metric for ad effectiveness.
  • Landing Page Analysis: Insights on post-click performance.
  • Network Comparison: Compare ad performance across networks.

Anstrex also offers unique features, such as the ability to segment campaigns by traffic source and analyze landing pages for a complete picture of the advertising funnel.

4. Multi-Platform Integration

Advertisers often run campaigns across multiple platforms. AdSpy and Anstrex offer different levels of multi-platform integration to cater to these needs.

Social Media Focus✅✅✅
E-commerce Integration✅✅✅
Multiple Ad Formats✅✅✅
Landing Page Tools✅✅
TikTok Integration✅✅

AdSpy's Platforms Available

AdSpy's primary focus is on Facebook and Instagram ads, making it an ideal choice for advertisers who prioritize social media advertising.

Key Factors to Consider

  • Cross-Platform Social Analysis: Compare ad performance across Facebook and Instagram.
  • Social Media Trends: Identify emerging trends in social advertising.
  • Influencer Marketing Insights: Track sponsored content and influencer collaborations.

While it doesn't offer direct integration with other platforms, AdSpy's in-depth social media insights can still inform strategies across other channels.

Anstrex Multi-Platform Advertising

Anstrex, on the other hand, is designed for multi-platform advertising. Anstrex offers a broader range of ad format integrations:

  1. Native ads
  2. Push notifications
  3. Pop-under ads
  4. TikTok ads (via free TikTok Ads Library)

5. User Interface And Experience

In the world of ad intelligence tools, user experience can make or break your productivity. AdSpy and Anstrex take different approaches to their user interfaces, catering to different user preferences.

Interface DesignClean & SimpleDetailed & Complex
Learning CurveLowModerate
Mobile Responsiveness✅✅✅✅✅
Customization OptionsLimitedExtensive
Data VisualizationGoodExcellent

User Interface Offered by AdSpy

AdSpy's user interface is clean, intuitive, and designed for ease of use. Its simple layout and straightforward navigation make it easy for users to find the information they need quickly.


Ideal for users who value simplicity

  • One-Click Filtering: Rapidly refine search results.
  • Visual Ad Display: Scroll through ads in a visually appealing format.
  • Responsive Design: Works well on both desktop and mobile devices.

AdSpy's interface is particularly well-suited for users who prefer a minimalist approach and want to focus on core features.

Anstrex's User Interface

Anstrex's user interface is more complex, reflecting the breadth of its features and data. While it may have a steeper learning curve, Anstrex's interface offers more customization options, allowing users to tailor their experience to their specific needs.

Sign Up with Anstrex

Suited for data-hungry marketers

  • Customizable Dashboard: Tailor the interface to your needs
  • Multi-Format View: Switch between different ad types easily
  • Built-in Landing Page Editor: Edit and deploy pages directly from the platform

Anstrex's interface is ideal for data-driven advertisers who want to dive deep into the details and leverage advanced features.

6. Unique Features And Innovations

AI-Powered Tools
E-commerce Focus✅✅✅
Social Media Depth✅✅✅
Multi-Format Coverage✅✅✅
Landing Page Tools✅✅

Standout Features Offered by AdSpy

AdSpy's standout feature is its comment search functionality, which allows users to search for keywords within ad comments. This feature provides valuable insights into audience sentiment and can help advertisers identify potential issues or opportunities.

Perfect for social media marketers and affiliate marketers

  • Sentiment Analysis: Gauge audience reactions through comment analysis
  • Ad Engagement Scoring: Proprietary algorithm to rank ad effectiveness
  • Creative Inspiration Tool: AI-powered ad idea generator

AdSpy also offers a landing page technology filter, enabling users to find ads based on the technologies used on the destination website.

Unique Features by Anstrex

Anstrex's unique features revolve around its multi-platform capabilities and e-commerce integrations. Its TikTok ad library, although currently in beta, offers a glimpse into the rapidly growing world of TikTok advertising.

Ideal for e-commerce entrepreneurs and multi-channel marketers

  • Ad Strength Indicator: Proprietary metric for ad effectiveness
  • E-commerce Platform Integration: Direct connection to Shopify and WooCommerce
  • TikTok Ad Library: Free access to top-performing TikTok campaigns

Anstrex also provides a built-in landing page editor and the ability to deploy pages directly to AWS S3 or via FTP, streamlining the ad creation process for users.

Pricing Plans

When it comes to ad intelligence tools, pricing can make or break your decision. Let's dive into how AdSpy and Anstrex stack up in terms of cost and value.

Starting Price$149/month$69.99/month
Multiple Plans
Free Trial✅ (1000 ad views)✅ (2-day Risk Free Trial)
Money-Back Guarantee24 hours48 hours
Ad FormatsSocial MediaNative, Push, Pop, Dropshipping

AdSpy's Subscription Model

AdSpy Pricing Plans

Adspy has streamlined its pricing into a simple subscription model. However, as of my latest information, they have not publicly disclosed their current rates.

AdSpy offers a straightforward pricing model:

  • Single plan: $149 per month
  • Virtually unlimited usage
  • Full feature access

Traditionally, their plans have been all-inclusive, offering full access to features without tiered pricing or additional costs for extra functionalities. This can be an advantage for users who require full access without any limitations.

AdSpy Coupons (2024)

$50 OFF


$75 OFF +
Free Ad Views


To ensure you're first trying out the waters and then committing, it's recommended to opt for the available AdSpy Free Trails.

Anstrex's Pricing Structure

Anstrex offers a more varied pricing structure with two main tools tailored for different advertising needs: Anstrex Push and Anstrex Native.

Choosing Anstrex Plan

Anstrex provides many flexible options:

  1. Anstrex Native: $69.99/month → focuses on native advertising with ads compiled from 27 ad networks
  2. Anstrex Push: $69.99/month → designed for those who want to delve into push notification advertising and includes ads from 38 push notification ad networks
  3. Bundle (Native + Push): $139.99/month
  4. All-in-One (Native + Push + Pop): $219.99/month

These tools also come with advanced features such as Boolean Searching, Ad Strength, and Ad Gravity metrics. Additionally, they provide a handy landing page Downloader and Deploy tool, beneficial for users looking to replicate and edit successful landing pages.

Anstrex Coupons (2024)

SAVE $73.98


SAVE $31.80


Try out Anstrex by utilizing its 2-day risk-free trial. Get to know more on Anstrex Free Trial (2024).

As you navigate the choices between the best tools for your advertising intelligence needs, consider how each tool's pricing model fits into your overall marketing budget.

Compare Cost Vs Value

Choosing the right ad spy tool for your business can be a pivotal decision in your digital marketing strategy. It involves a thorough analysis of your marketing needs and a careful consideration of the cost versus the value provided by the tools.

Before deciding on whether Adspy or Anstrex is the right tool for you, it’s essential to evaluate your marketing objectives.

my marketing needs?

Ask yourself:

  • What are my primary goals?
    Am I looking to increase brand awareness, drive more sales, or improve customer engagement?
  • Which platforms do my target audience frequent the most? Do I need insights on social media advertising or native advertising?
  • What level of competitive analysis is required?
    Do I need a comprehensive analysis with the help of frameworks like SWOT or Porter’s Five Forces?
  • How important is the size of the database and the coverage for my industry?

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, you can match them with the functionalities and strengths of each ad spy tool.

Common Queries Related to AdSpy Vs Anstrex

Which Platforms Does AdSpy Cover?

AdSpy primarily focuses on Facebook and Instagram ads, providing extensive data from these social media platforms.

What Types of Ads does Anstrex Cover?

Anstrex covers multiple ad formats including native ads, push notifications, pop ads, and social media ads.

Is there a Difference in Pricing Between AdSpy and Anstrex?

Yes, AdSpy's pricing starts at $149 per month, while Anstrex offers plans starting at $59.99 per month.

How Often is the Data Updated in AdSpy and Anstrex?

AdSpy updates its data in real time, while Anstrex updates its database daily.

End Note

So, there you have it – the lowdown on AdSpy vs Anstrex. Both tools pack a punch when it comes to ad intelligence, but they're not exactly two peas in a pod. AdSpy is your go-to if you're all about cracking the code of Facebook and Instagram ads. It's like having a backstage pass to the social media advertising world.

On the flip side, Anstrex is more of a jack-of-all-trades, covering a wider range of platforms including native ads, push notifications and pop ads.

Ultimately, the choice boils down to your specific needs. If social media is your playground, AdSpy might be your best bet. But if you're looking to cast a wider net across different ad formats, Anstrex could be your secret weapon.

Whatever you choose, both tools can give your campaigns that extra edge.

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