Sell The Trend vs Dropified

Dropshipping has become a game-changer for e-commerce entrepreneurs, with the global market size projected to reach a staggering $476.1 billion by 2026, growing at an impressive CAGR of 28.8%.

As 27% of online retailers now embrace dropshipping as their primary order fulfillment method, the competition between automation tools like Sell The Trend and Dropified has intensified.

With over 2.14 billion digital buyers worldwide in 2021, choosing the right dropshipping software is crucial for success in this thriving industry.

In this comprehensive comparison, we'll dive deep into the features, pricing, and overall value of Sell The Trend vs Dropified, empowering you to make an informed decision for your dropshipping venture.

Overview of Sell The Trend

Sell The Trend is a powerful all-in-one dropshipping solution designed to help e-commerce entrepreneurs find winning products, automate their operations, and scale their businesses. With its AI-powered product research tools and comprehensive suite of features, Sell The Trend has gained popularity among dropshippers looking to stay ahead of market trends and optimize their stores for success.

Overview of Dropified


Dropified is a versatile dropshipping automation tool that focuses on streamlining the product import and order fulfillment processes for online retailers. It offers integrations with multiple e-commerce platforms and marketplaces, making it a flexible choice for dropshippers who want to manage their operations across various channels efficiently.

Feature Comparison: Sell The Trend vs Dropified

1. Product Research and Sourcing🔎

Sell The Trend Product Research

Sell The Trend: Offers a powerful product discovery engine that analyzes trends, competition, and profitability. Provides detailed insights into each product's performance and potential.

Dropified product research

Dropified: Has a basic product research tool that allows users to browse and import products from various suppliers. However, it lacks the advanced analytics and trend spotting capabilities of Sell The Trend.

2. Supplier Integration🔗

Sell The Trend Integration

Sell The Trend: Integrates with leading suppliers, such as AliExpress and Amazon, making it easy to import products and fulfill orders. Offers automated order processing and tracking updates.

Dropified Integration

Dropified: Offers integrations with multiple suppliers, including Alibaba, eBay, and AliExpress. Its Chrome extension enables easy product importing from these marketplaces directly to your store.

3. Order Fulfillment and Automation🤖

Sell The Trend 1 click order fulfillment

Sell The Trend: Provides 1-click order fulfillment and automated order processing, reducing the time spent on manual tasks. The platform also offers inventory tracking and automatic order updates.

Dropified Order Fulfillment and Automation

Dropified: Excels in order automation with features like auto-ordering and bulk order processing. It also includes a profit calculator and automated pricing rules to optimize your margins.

4. Store Customization and Management🏪

Sell The Trend SellShop dropshipping website builder

Sell The Trend: Offers SellShop, an e-commerce platform builder that allows users to create and customize their online stores quickly. It also includes features for managing multiple stores from a single dashboard.

Dropified product listings

Dropified: Allows users to customize product listings, including descriptions, images, and prices. Offers inventory management and alerts for low or out-of-stock products.

5. Marketing Tools⚒️

Sell The Trend Marketing Tools

Sell The Trend: Includes a Video Ads Creator, Facebook Audience Builder, and Influencer Engagement Calculator to help users create effective marketing campaigns and reach their target audience.

Dropified: Offers basic marketing tools like product description editing and image customization. While not as comprehensive as Sell The Trend, it provides essential features for product presentation.

6. Analytics and Reporting📈

Sell The Trend: Offers detailed analytics and reporting on store performance, including sales, traffic, and customer behavior. Provides insights into product trends and profitability.

Dropified: Provides basic reporting on sales and orders, but lacks the advanced analytics and trend insights offered by Sell The Trend.

Pricing Comparison💰

Sell The Trend Pricing:

Sell The Trend Pricing

Sell The Trend offers two main pricing plans with a risk-free 14-day trial. The Essential Plan costs $39.97/month or $32.97/month billed yearly and includes features like NEXUS Premium Winning Products, 2 SellShops, 5,000 1-Click Push To Store products, 3 connected stores, and advanced filters.

The Pro Plan is priced at $99.97/month or $79.97/month billed yearly, offering unlimited 1-Click Push To Store products, 3 SellShops, 10 connected stores, and additional staff accounts. Both plans include tools like the Store Intelligence Spy Tool, AI Supplier Finder, Facebook Audience Builder, and 24/7 support, making Sell The Trend a comprehensive solution for dropshipping success.

Dropified Pricing:

Dropified Pricing

Dropified offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different dropshipping needs. The Free Limited Plan includes 1 store connection to Shopify, GrooveKart, or WooCommerce, 2 auto-fulfilled orders per month from AliExpress or eBay, 25 products, 10 product research boards, and a 10% fulfillment fee.

The Pro Plan is available at $47/month or $39/month annually, while the Elite Plan costs $97/month or $79/month annually, both with a 14-day free trial. For a one-time payment of $497 or three payments of $197, the Lifetime Plan offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

User Experience and Interface👨🏻‍💻

Sell The Trend boasts a clean, intuitive interface that makes navigating its numerous features straightforward. The dashboard provides quick access to key tools like product research, store management, and marketing features. Users often praise the platform's ease of use, even for those new to dropshipping.

Dropified, while functional, has a slightly steeper learning curve. Its interface is more focused on product and order management, which some users find less intuitive than Sell The Trend. However, once familiar with the layout, users appreciate the efficiency of Dropified's automation features.

Customer Support and Resources📞

Sell The Trend logo

Sell The Trend:

Offers email and live chat support, with generally responsive and helpful customer service. Provides a knowledge base, video tutorials, and a community forum for users to learn and share experiences.

Dropified logo


Provides email, live chat, and phone support, with quick response times and knowledgeable representatives. Offers an extensive knowledge base, video guides, and a blog with helpful dropshipping tips and strategies.

Performance and Reliability📊

Both platforms offer reliable performance and uptime, ensuring that users' stores remain operational and synced with suppliers. However, some Dropified users have reported occasional syncing issues with suppliers, which can lead to inventory discrepancies or delayed order processing.

Sell The Trend and Dropified both provide robust security features and regular data backups to protect users' stores and customer information. They also offer scalable infrastructure to accommodate growing businesses and high-volume sales.

Pros and Cons Summary

Sell The Trend

  • Comprehensive product research tools
  • Advanced store automation features
  • Detailed analytics and reporting
  • Built-in SEO and marketing tools
  • Higher pricing compared to some competitors
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Limited customization options for store design


  • Efficient Chrome extension for product importing
  • Robust order fulfillment automation
  • Supports multiple suppliers and platforms
  • Customizable product listings
  • Limited product research capabilities compared to Sell The Trend
  • Higher pricing for advanced plans
  • Occasional syncing issues with suppliers

Which Tool is Right for You?

The choice between Sell The Trend and Dropified depends on your business needs, budget, and experience level. If you're a beginner looking for a user-friendly platform with strong order fulfillment automation, Dropified might be the better choice. However, if you're an experienced seller seeking advanced product research tools, analytics, and marketing features, Sell The Trend could be the ideal solution.

Consider factors such as the size of your business, the number of products you plan to sell, and your growth goals when making a decision. It's also essential to take advantage of any free trials or demos offered by the platforms to test their features and assess their fit for your business.

Sell The Trend vs Dropified – Your Top Dropshipping Tool Queries Answered

Can I use Sell The Trend or Dropified with my existing ecommerce store?

Yes, both platforms integrate with popular ecommerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, allowing you to easily connect your existing store.

Do I need any technical skills to use these dropshipping tools?

While some technical knowledge can be helpful, both Sell The Trend and Dropified are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to entrepreneurs with varying skill levels. The platforms offer extensive resources, tutorials, and customer support to help users get started and troubleshoot any issues.

Can I sell products from multiple suppliers using these tools?

Yes, both Sell The Trend and Dropified support multiple suppliers and marketplaces, allowing you to source products from various providers and offer a diverse range of items in your store.

How do these tools handle inventory management and updates?

Sell The Trend and Dropified automatically sync with your chosen suppliers to update inventory levels and alert you when products are running low or out of stock. This helps prevent overselling and ensures a smooth customer experience.

What happens if a supplier runs out of stock or discontinues a product?

In such cases, the platforms will notify you of the issue, allowing you to remove the affected products from your store or find alternative suppliers. It's essential to regularly monitor your inventory and have contingency plans in place to minimize disruptions to your business.


In the competitive world of dropshipping, choosing the right automation tool can make a significant difference in your business's success. Sell The Trend and Dropified are both powerful platforms that offer a range of features to streamline your operations and grow your store. While Sell The Trend excels in product research, analytics, and marketing tools, Dropified offers a more user-friendly experience and robust order fulfillment automation.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific needs and priorities. By carefully evaluating each platform's strengths and weaknesses, and considering factors such as pricing, integrations, and customer support, you can make an informed decision that sets your dropshipping business up for long-term success.

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